This technique is based on a thorough understanding of the body’s fascial anatomy and applying very specific hands-on techniques to integrate the structures of the body into a more organized whole. Most pain and tension in the body result from structural imbalances due to chronically shortened or lengthened tissue. So instead of chasing pain, this technique seeks to address its causative factors.
Structural Massage In Use
Gravity is a significant factor in how we hold ourselves. The body should have grace in movement—that the joints should be free to move in a balanced way, flexors should flex and extensors should extend. We frequently position clients in different postures to understand where tense and painful areas are located. Our sessions begin with a “viewing” of the client’s body, both standing and in motion. We are particularly interested in the position of the client’s pelvis and how other structures above or below the pelvis respond to its alignment. After the viewing we proceed to lengthen or stretch the muscles that are causing miss balance with different techniques stimming from massage, stretching and posture.
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